Heather Donnelly
Scentwork and Tracking
Heather has lived and shared her life with Border Collies from a very young age, first with Lassie, a docked Welsh Border Collie when at home with her parents, to the present day living with Puds, Sketch and latest edition Toffee a Working Cocker Spaniel.
For over 25 years, Heather competed in Working Trials with her dogs. Three of these obtained the "Tracking Dog Excellent" (TDex) qualification and she twice won the 'best nose-work' award at this level.
In 2001 Heather completed the City and Guilds teacher's training certificate 7303. She provided 10 week courses and one day courses for the adult education departments at Milton Keynes adult education and Northampton college. These days, Heather applies her knowledge and skills to helping people with training their dogs. As an instructor at Banbury Dog Training Club and as a guest trainer for other clubs, Heather has provided training and helped others to train their dogs for working trials, either in groups or on a one to one basis.
Heather has also trained people for the Kennel Club Good Citizens tests and for agility. She competes in agility and has recently reached Grade 7 with Working Cocker Spaniel, Toffee.
Heather is also a breeder and Judge, owning and breeding dogs that have gained their stud book number and won first prizes at Crufts dog show. Heather bred the only Border Collie to have gained both Working Trials and agility titles. As a Kennel Club approved judge, Heather judges Border Collies at breed shows at championship level, working trials at open and championship level, and at all three levels of the Kennel Club Good Citizen tests.
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