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How hand feeding can make dog training incredibly easy

Teach your dog to be a super learner - with this one simple change.

Hand feeding is an incredible way of making dog training fast, effective and fun for both you and your dog.

Dima Yeremenko, from the London-based Good Boy Dog School, is a great believer in the benefits of handfeeding as an early training technique. In this video, he explains why.

For the full video explaining the benefits of this technique, visit • The benefits of hand feeding in dog t...

Watch out for our next video in this series explaining how to do hand feeding 'right'!

More about Dima
Dima Yeremenko has trained dogs to participate in most activities you can think of, has appeared on TV with his 'dancing dogs' and regularly performs at dog shows and events. Each day, Dima walks a pack of over a dozen dogs - all off lead and all incredibly well behaved, despite the fact that most aren't even his, and new dogs are joining the group all the time.

Dima puts his success with dog training (especially with dogs with behaviour 'problems') down to his handfeeding regime. Every dog that Dima looks after spends around 2 weeks receiving their entire daily food ration from Dima's hand. This quickly encourages them to want to 'work' for every biscuit they get - allowing Dima to reward them for good behaviours 100's of times per day.

Teach your dog to be a super learner - with this one simple change.

Hand feeding is an incredible way of making dog training fast, effective and fun for both you and your dog.

Dima Yeremenko, from the London-based Good Boy Dog School, is a great believer in the benefits of handfeeding as an early training technique. In this video, he explains why.

For the full video explaining the benefits of this technique, visit • The benefits of hand feeding in dog t...

Watch out for our next video in this series explaining how to do hand feeding 'right'!

More about Dima
Dima Yeremenko has trained dogs to participate in most activities you can think of, has appeared on TV with his 'dancing dogs' and regularly performs at dog shows and events. Each day, Dima walks a pack of over a dozen dogs - all off lead and all incredibly well behaved, despite the fact that most aren't even his, and new dogs are joining the group all the time.

Dima puts his success with dog training (especially with dogs with behaviour 'problems') down to his handfeeding regime. Every dog that Dima looks after spends around 2 weeks receiving their entire daily food ration from Dima's hand. This quickly encourages them to want to 'work' for every biscuit they get - allowing Dima to reward them for good behaviours 100's of times per day.

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