Future videos
Some of the titles coming soon...
Acupressure for dogs
Acupuncture for dogs with arthritis
Acupuncture for dogs with incontinence
Alternative veterinary medicine
An introduction to animal communication
Anatomy of canine movement
Animalarm: portable temperature alarm
Are dogs more stressed today?
Assured Breeders Scheme
Bach flower remedies for dogs: moving house
Bach flower remedies for rescue dogs
BAER dog hearing tests
Barking control: in the garden
Bathing a dog
Bloodhound Trials
Bloodhound Trials: Competitions
Bloodhound Trials: Laying the trail
Bloodhound Trials: Training
Bowen Canine Myotherapy to treat dog pain
Bowen Canine Myotherapy: What Is It?
Breeding dogs - Whelping
Canine Bowen therapy in practise
Canine Pregnancy Scanning
Carting equipment
Carting with dogs
Carting: the training process
Commercial food: Vet's Kitchen
Controlling reactive dogs
Controlling your dog's scavenging
Deafness in dogs
Deafness in dogs and BAER testing
Diet and nutrition for dogs
Dog agility: starting jumps
Dog agility: starting tunnels
Dog agility: starting weave poles
Dog aromatherapy: a consultation
Dog aromatherapy: an introduction
Dog aromatherapy: oils
Dog arthritis treatments
Dog behaviour: Nature vs Nurture
Dog castration and behaviour
Dog grooming: clipping
Dog grooming: scissoring
Dog homeopathy for arthritis
Dog homeopathy for itchy skin
Dog nutrition from puppies to seniors
Dog Obedience: a sport for all breeds
Dog shows: Managing a show
Dog shows: Ring Stewarding
Dog shows: Secretaries
Dog tracking: article problems
Dog tracking: corners
Dog training: how to teach leave
Dog training: interactive games for good behaviour
Dog training: past, present and future
Dog training: reducing reliance on rewards
Dog training: reinforcement and punishment
Dog training: starting heelwork
Dog training: teaching eye contact and impulse control
Dog training: teaching the heelwork position
Dog training: the be still cue
Doggy day care
Dogs in Schools
Explosives search dogs
Fear at the vets: a case study
Fear at the vets: spotting the signs
Fear at the vets: what owners can do
Fear at the vets: what vets can do
Finding (and keeping) a good vet
Flea Allergic Dermatitis (FAD)
Flyball: teaching the box
Flyball: teaching the jumps
Fun exercise with your dog: wag and tone
Fun scentwork: an introduction
Fun scentwork: How to train
Fun scentwork: the benefits
Galen Myotherapy in practice
Good Citizen Dog Scheme: Bronze test
Good Citizen Dog Scheme: Gold test
Good Citizen Dog Scheme: Silver test
Good Citizens: Recall
Good Citizens: Socialisation
Grooming puppies
Help for OCD dogs
How a wolf pack works
How dogs are helping children to read
How raw feeding helped an itchy dog
How safe are dog vaccinations?
How to be a better dog owner
How to choose the right dog breed
How to choose the right dog harness
How to dry your dog
How to enrich your dog's environment
How to find a good dog groomer
How to find a good dog training class
How to get your dog's attention with the shoulder tap
How to help nervous dogs
How to housetrain your dog
How to pluck your dog's ears
How to stop your dog barking at the doorbell
How to stop your dog from pulling: head collars
How to stop your dog from pulling: lead stroking
How to stop your dog jumping up
How to use a dog calming cap
Hydrotherapy for dogs: choosing a pool
Hydrotherapy for dogs: what to expect
Increasing interest in rewards in dog training
Is there a wolf in your living room?
Judging: 'Going over' a dog
Judging: 'Going over' without getting bitten
Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme
Kennel cough: signs, symptoms and treatments
Kong chew toys - useful and fun
Managing reactive dogs
Minnie's facebook fame
My dog is my baby
Natural therapies for canine digestive problems
Natural veterinary medicine case studies
Neutering - castration and spaying
Neutering in practice: Castration
Neutering in practice: Spaying
New baby with my dogs
No-pull dog harness
Physiotherapy for dog hip dysplasia
Playing tug with your dog
Preventing and getting rid of fleas on dogs
Preventing dog bites in children
Preventing dog bloat
Preventing inappropriate marking behaviour
Preventing inappropriate mounting behaviour
Quality dog walking
Raw food works for my dogs
Reactive dog training classes
Recall training: tips and tricks
Reducing your dog's stress at Christmas
Rehoming a stray dog from the street
Rehoming older dogs
Reiki for dog anxiety and stress
Reiki for dog arthritis
Reiki for dog heart problems
Reiki for dogs
Relaxed dog training
Removing ticks safely
Restraint Tolerance: teaching dogs to accept handling
Retrieva Tracking Collar
Safe dog car travel
Scooter and Bikejor equipment
Social dog walks
Socialisation dog classes
Stevenage Dogwatch
Supplements in dog foods
Talking Dogs Rally: First lesson
The benefits of harnesses
The benefits of veterinary case studies
The changing world of dog shows
The critical periods in puppy development
The human-canine bond
Top tips: motivation in obedience training
Training dogs to not jump up
Training reactive dogs
Treating dog ticks
Treating fleas and worms naturally
Treo: The world's bravest dog
TTouch for rehabilitation
TTouch in agility
TTouch to improve learning
Understanding dog language
Understanding emotions in dogs
Vet's Klinic
Veterinary anaesthetics
Veterinary dental procedures
Veterinary physiotherapy for older dogs
Veterinary X-rays
Wag and tone: Gym ball tap
What is animal communication?
What is dog agility?
What is Galen Myotherapy?
What is natural veterinary medicine?
What is Tellington TTouch?
What to expect at dog Obedience competitions
Working as a... Alternative Vet
Working as a... Canine Massage Therapist
Working as a... dog groomer
Working as a... dog lawyer
Working as a... Dog Trainer
Here are some of our upcoming titles, many of these have already been filmed, are just waiting for final tweaks. If you would like to request that we prioritise a specific topic, please get in touch via the Contact Us page.