Sarah Fisher
TTouch practitioner
Sarah Fisher is a Tellington Touch Instructor, dog trainer and behaviour counsellor. She teaches staff workshops for many of the UK's top animal shelters, works with private clients, and lectures around the UK and internationally for a variety of organisations.
Sarah Fisher is the author of Unlock Your Dog's Potential and co-author of 100 Ways to Train the Perfect Dog and 100 Ways to Solve Your Dogs Problems, She also regularly contributes articles to many UK national magazines.
She has appeared at many educational events including the Wag and Bone Show, and the Cold Wet Nose Show. She has also made numerous television appearances including ITV1 and National Geographic, BBC1, GMTV, Channel 4, CBBC, and is currently the pet expert for the ITV1 show This Morning.
Sarah has also been interviewed many times on local radio stations including BBC Radio Somerset, BBC Radio Bristol, BBC Guernsey and BBC Radio Berkshire giving advice on dog training and behaviour.
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