Pam Mackinnon
Dog trainer
Pam Mackinnon is the Director of Talking Dogs Ltd. She has regularly lectured and tutored for the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT), Centre of Applied Pet Ethology (COAPE) and Hill's Pet Foods at their Veterinary Healthcare Advisor Seminars. Pam is a long standing member of UK APDT number 00191, and is proud to say that her membership was personally approved by John Fisher who founded the Association, and was a charter member of US APDT, and is a practitioner member of the COAPE Association of Pet Behaviourists & Trainers (CAPBT).
Pam has extensive experience of animal behaviour and training, having worked in a variety of areas over the last 24 years including:
* Wood Green Animal Shelters as the charity's animal behaviourist
* H.M. Customs & Excise as a drug detector dog handler
* Guide Dogs for the Blind as a puppy walker
* Hearing Dogs for Deaf People as a hearing dog trainer
* Dr. Ian Dunbar MRCVS as the UK's only Sirius Puppy Trainer
In 2009 Pam co-founded Talking Dogs Rally with Becky Skelhon and in 2011 founded Talking Dogs Scentwork.
Pam provides a national staff training service for those working in animal shelters and borough councils, in addition to helping pet owners through private and class training and on veterinary referral. She has attended court as an expert witness and is a regular guest on the 'Ask the Expert' hour on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire. Pam is frequently asked by the media to give advice and comment on animal behaviour. Appearances have included the 'Today' show on Radio 4, the 'Jeremy Vine Show' on Radio 2, Pet Rescue and even the Ruby Wax Show! She is an author, with titles including "The Puppy Class", "Jackpot", "Handle with Care", "Firework Fear", "Beat the Bark!", "A New Dog in the Family", "A New Puppy in the Family" and the Talking Dogs' Manuals "Raising Your Puppy" and "Training the Adult Beginner".
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