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Noel Fitzpatrick

Noel Fitzpatrick

TV's Supervet

Duniv MVB CertVR CertSAO MRCVS -Director

Noel Fitzpatrick qualified as a veterinary surgeon from University College Dublin in 1990, including scholarships at The University of Pennsylvania and The University of Ghent. Following a short period in mixed practice, Noel worked in small animal practice and spent periods at several universities in the UK and USA, attaining certificates in small animal orthopaedics and radiology. Noel founded Fitzpatrick Referrals in 1997, a specialist practice which emphasises the symbiosis of compassion and clinical excellence. In 2008 Noel was appointed to the position of Assistant Professor at the University of Florida School of Veterinary Medicine in recognition of his contributions to science and teaching. He was also awarded an Honorary Doctorate by The University of Surrey for his contribution to medical science and has since become a Visiting Professor at The University of Surrey.

Noel is actively involved in bioengineering and the evolution of several new implant and operative systems in the fields of both human and veterinary surgery. He is Managing Director of his own company, OrthoFitz Ltd, which was set up with several respected bioengineers and researchers to develop medical devices with translational potential for human and animal patients.

In the past decade, Noel has conducted research and written papers with several major vet schools in the USA and UK as well as private referral hospitals worldwide. He is the first and only veterinary surgeon ever to have contributed six primary author and one secondary author scientific papers to a single edition of the prestigious journal Veterinary Surgery in February 2009. He coordinates and funds collaborative research endeavours, including Masters and Residency programs with several major institutions in the UK and USA, including the universities of Cambridge, Glasgow and Liverpool in the UK and Tufts, University of Florida, UC Davis, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Washington State University in the USA. He is currently an actively serving member of the Board of the Veterinary Orthopedic Society in the USA.

Noel lectures widely both nationally and internationally and has presented scientific abstracts on novel developments in orthopaedics and neurosurgery for fifteen years. He has developed in whole or in part several techniques and devices which now constitute the standard of care for small animal orthopaedics and neurosurgery worldwide. He won the Best Clinical Research award at the Veterinary Orthopedic Society meetings in 2005 and 2006, and in 2007 he conceived and was second author for the project winning the Best Basic Research award at the World Veterinary Orthopaedic Congress. In 2009 he was awarded The Mark S Bloomberg Award for his lecturing in the USA, and he received the prestigious Simon Award from the British Small Animal Veterinary Association in recognition of his outstanding contribution to veterinary surgery.

Noel's ethos is firmly anchored in the concept that education and cooperation between bio-engineering, all biological sciences, medical and veterinary science is the only rational way forward.

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