This attractive little dog is the only one known to have "earrings". This is the name given to the long, dark hairs that dangle from the tips of the ears.
They are a small Spaniel type of dog with a silky coat which is white but covered in distinctive red and orange markings. They have a slender but nearly square frame. Along with their "earrings", they also have a white plume on their tail.
They originate from Holland where they were originally used for duck hunting. They are good-natured, friendly and intelligent. They're also very agile. They can be wary of strangers but can be socialised to strangers, children and animals. They tend to be quite sedate indoors but need plenty of exercise outdoors.
Their waterproof coat is easy to maintain with regular grooming. They are prone to blood clotting problems, eye problems, kneecap problems and a particular neurological disease.
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