Watch video: CV247 - Amazing palliative cancer treatment for dogs and humans

CV247 is a palliative treatment for cancer that is formulated to treat cancer sufferers as a result of their deficiency of certain naturally occurring substances in the body. By replacing these substances, CV247 may bring about an improvement in the quality of life and potentially prevent the
reoccurrence of tumours, and has no known serious or severe adverse side effects.

In this video, Roger Oakes explains the history of CV247 and a little about how it's taken. For a number of years, Roger has been looking into the use of CV247 in relation to the treatment of cancer in people, but it was originally developed as a treatment for dogs by a veterinary surgeon called John Carter. It was initially devised as a palliative care option, a way to make the quality of life better for the cancer sufferer. It is a combination therapy, combining three commonly available health care products: manganese, copper and vitamin C and a drug component Sodium Salicylate, an anti-inflammatory product similar to aspirin. Because of the drug component it is only available on prescription.

With few known side effects, this combination of ingredients could prove to be an excellent weapon in the cancer treatment arsenal either on its own or in combination with other treatments.

Benefits of CV247
- Strengthens the immune system which provides improved Quality of Life
- Forms part of the body’s anti-oxidant defences
- May prevent the reoccurrence of tumours
- May aid recovery from surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy
- May be taken adjunctively with chemotherapy and radiotherapy

0:00 Introduction
3:18 How CV247 was developed
4:37 Side effects of CV247
5:05 How to obtain CV247
7:03 Can CV247 be used with other therapies
7:45 Deciding to take CV247

For more information on RESEARCH AND EVIDENCE, visit our 'CV247 part 2' video at has more general information and is for professionals and patients with more explanatory information on trials, tests, leaflets and media. For access to the latter website, please use cvpharma247 for both username and password.

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